4 Ways to Improve the Quality of the Air You Breathe

advantaAir.11.11.14When we talk of air pollution, most people would think of the air outside. But the truth is the air inside your home or office is actually more polluted as compared to the air outside. Indoor air is polluted by pet dander, molds, dust mites and other microscopic substances. Since most people spend majority of their time indoors, especially during the winter months, this is a big deal.

Better air quality can prevent the development of childhood respiratory problems and will benefit the entire family. Here are a few things you can do to get you started on purifying the air you breathe.

Keep your floors clean

Vacuum twice a week to get rid of dust mites, pet dander, pollen, allergens and other pollutants. Then mop the floor to get rid of dust that vacuuming leaves behind.

We also recommend putting a large floor mat at every door. People carry a lot of dirt and chemicals on their shoes, and a door mat can reduce the amount of dirt and pollutants that enter your home.

Make your home a no smoking zone 

Secondhand smoke can be detrimental to children. In fact, 7,500 to 15,000 children are hospitalized each year because of respiratory tract infections. Plus, older adults with lung and cardiovascular disease have their condition worsened due to exposure to secondhand smoke.

Use a ventilator with your AC

Allergens and other microscopic substances tend to find their way inside your home. Every time a window or a door opens, they fly right in. And since modern homes are airtight, these irritants can’t easily escape.

While your AC’s filter prevents pollutants from entering your home, a ventilator exchanges stale air for fresh air. As a result, you’ll have cleaner and better indoor air quality.

Regular HVAC maintenance

Regular air filter changes or cleaning, routine tune up and other preventive maintenance procedures go a long way in making sure that you have clean and pollution-free air inside your home.

You can always give AdvantaClean a call to keep your heating and cooling system in optimal working condition.

Tips for an Allergy-Proof Home

AdvantaCleanAllergyProofHome_9.16.14Our home is our sanctuary. It’s a place where we long to go to after a long, stressful day and forget about the outside world. But how comfortable is your home if mold spores share your fondness of warm, steamy shower or dust mites dig that old sofa as much as you do.

For the vast number of Americans who suffer from allergies, runny nose, itchy throat and watery eyes are all too familiar realities. Allergens can easily be tossed out of your house by allergy-proofing your home.

Here are some tips to combat allergens and create a healthier, cleaner home for you and your family.


An average person spends about 8 hours a night in his bedroom. You may not realize it, but you have unwanted company in your bedroom in the form of animal danders, mold spores and dust mites.

In order to make sure that your bedroom is inhospitable to allergens, we recommend washing all your linens at least once a week in hot water and dry it in a hot dryer. Also, encase mattresses, pillows and box springs in dust-mite covers.


Traditional wall-to-wall carpeting is extremely difficult to keep clean. If possible, remove all carpeting and replace it with hardwood or linoleum flooring. If not, make sure to have a non-allergic person vacuum it twice a week using a vacuum with a HEPA filter.

Keep pollen, dust and others from entering your house by encouraging family members and guests to slip off their shoes at the door.


We understand that you love your pets and want to be with them as much as you can, but at least keep them out of the bedroom. To keep the dander in check, we suggest restricting your pets to just a few of the common rooms in the home. Bathing pets at least once a week may also help cut down the amount of dander they shed.

Air conditioning and filters

To keep allergens at bay, we recommend having your ducts professionally cleaned every 3 to 5 years based on your home’s environment like cleanliness, number of pets and household activities that affect the quality of indoor air like smoking. Also, air purification system filters and furnace filters should also be changed on a regular basis.