Signs of Basement Water Damage

Advanta_6.2Although water damage can exist anywhere inside a home, the basements of many houses are at risk of water damage. This is because they are the lowest points of the house. Water in your basement poses health and electrical hazards. Aside from that, it could also damage the floor, walls, cause permanent structural damage and toxic mold to grow.

Below are some of the signs you should look out for when inspecting your house for water damage.

Wet walls

Wet walls in your basement could be an indication that moisture is starting to seep in from the surrounding soil or the pipes in the walls are leaking. An area of the wall that has been exposed to water can have a swollen appearance and soft to touch.

Musty smell

Sometimes, water damage could be hiding behind the walls or above the ceiling. Even if you can’t see it, your nose will tell you that there’s mold lurking somewhere in your basement. Only professional mold remediation can totally eradicate this harmful fungus.

Rotting wood

Wooden beams, wooden furniture or anything made of wood, are especially susceptible to water damage. They will rot very quickly if they are near the source of leaks. If you notice any wooden item that is starting to rot, you might want to check for moisture problems.

Water stains

One of the telltale signs of basement water damage is water stains on the walls or ceiling. Watch out for water lines or stains on the basement wall or ceiling.

Painting the wall to mask the discoloration isn’t a good idea. You need to fix the source of the problem immediately. Otherwise, the problem will only get worse.


Rusting appliances and fuse boxes in the basement could be a clear sign of basement water damage. Why? Because moisture is key in the rusting process. Check for rusty marks around the base of appliances like water heaters, dryers, washers, furnaces etc.

How to Prevent Mold from Growing in Your Home

Untitled-1It is a well-known fact that exposure to mold may cause a variety of health problems. Allergic reaction is one of them. That being said, it is important to take steps to prevent mold growth in your home.

Moisture, warmth and organic material to feed on are the most common things that mold needs to grow. In order to prevent mold growth, you’ll have to deprive it of any of the aforementioned items. However, please keep in mind that this step will not work if the molds are already there.

Listed below are a few tips that you should take note of to prevent molds from growing in your home.

Prevent water leaks

There are a number of things that causes moisture problems inside your home. Water leak is one of them. This includes leaking shower, leaking tap, leaking pipes, leaking wall, leaking roof etc.

If you notice any leaks in your home, then you should have it repaired right away. Also, one of the simplest and most effective ways of preventing mold growth is by inspecting your home from time to time to check if there are any leaks you don’t know about.

Prevent moisture

It usually takes about 24 to 48 hours for molds to start growing. If a part of your home stays wet for more than 24 hours, then there’s a great chance that mold has started to grow. Don’t let this happen.

Prevent condensation

Condensation is one the major causes of moisture. Condensation forms when the water vapor starts to cool and becomes liquid. This is mostly seen in cold surfaces like windows, water tanks, concrete walls and metal pipes.

To reduce condensation, you’ll have to keep the room’s temperature warmer and keep the humidity low. One way of reducing condensation is by installing insulation.

Reduce humidity

Different species of mold may start to grow from humidity alone. This is especially true if the humidity stays high for an extended period of time.

Ventilation is one of the best ways of keeping humidity low in your home. During the day, we suggest opening the windows, especially if it’s hot. Also, it is important to ventilate the bathroom and kitchen since steam and moisture tends to build up in these areas. Exhaust fans will usually do the trick.