Signs You Have Mold Problem in Your Home

advantaCleanMOLDMold – it’s every homeowner’s nightmare. The word alone is enough to make your cringe. Not only does it greatly decrease the value of your home, it can also cause health problems. While we all know about the negative effects of mold, most people are not sure whether or not they have mold in their home.

There are a number of things to look out for that may indicate there’s mold growing inside your house. Here are a few.

Visible growth

If you see mold, then you know for sure you have it in your home. However, some people often mistake it for soot, dirt and other types of stain. Mold is often found in the bathroom – in the shower, bathtub or the grout between tiles. Also, check your carpets and walls for smudges or blotches that do not easily wash away.

Take immediate action if you see mold growing. Do not ignore small amounts of mold. There could be more lurking behind the walls. It can be just the tip of the iceberg.


Mold isn’t always visible. Sometimes, the best way to tell the presence of mold is through your nose. Mold emits an unusual and unpleasant odor. If the smell is worse in certain rooms, there’s a good chance of mold growth in that area.

Health symptoms

Do you notice your allergic reactions are worse when you’re at home, but you feel a lot better when you’re outside? If so, mold could be growing somewhere in your home.

Common allergic reaction to mold includes nasal congestion, sneezing, puffy eyes, sore throat and coughing. Serious health concerns like asthma can occur if you’re allergic to mold.

Water leaks

Previous or current leaks are often a good indicator that mold is present. If you notice condensation or hear dripping or running water, you may have a leak in your home.

Tips to Prevent Post-Flooding Mold at Home


Homeowners who experienced flood or water seeping into their home should be concerned about mold. Mold can set in fairly fast, sometimes in as little as 24 hours. The longer mold is allowed to grow, the greater the risks.

Mold can cause damage to your property and lead to health problems. It is also an extremely potent allergen. Protect your home and your family’s health by taking steps to prevent mold from growing in your home. Following are some tips.

Remove water as quickly as possible

The sooner you can dry out your home after a flood, the better. You need to act as quickly as possible since mold can start to grow just a day or two.

It is best to use a HEPA vacuum or a wet/dry vacuum. These are the best tools for removing water.  But if you don’t have access to these types of machines, a mop and a bucket will do. Try to remove as much floodwater from your home as possible.

Hire a professional

If the damage is extensive, the best thing you can do is to contact a water remediation company to perform clean up to make sure that the house is dried out as soon as possible. Plus, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your home will be completely safe to live in.

Remove contents damaged by flood water

It may be difficult to throw away your possessions, but it’s necessary. Dispose off items that were damaged by flooded water. Moldy items should be placed in a plastic bag to minimize the spread of spores.

Wall-to-wall carpeting can be very slow to dry. Carpeting and padding should be removed and disposed off immediately.

Keep the area clean

Floor, walls and other household surfaces that were touched by flood water should be sanitized. Clean the area with soapy water and then with a disinfectant. It is also a good idea to fans and dehumidifiers to speed up the drying process.

Dead mold spores can still cause health problems. That’s why you should remove the mold, not just kill it.